
The Cypress Ridge Band Booster Club (CRBBC) is an outstanding parent organization dedicated to supporting students of the Cypress Ridge Band. We conduct meetings on the 3rd Monday of every month while school is in session; these meetings are friendly and informative. Cypress Ridge band parents are the finest people around!!
Membership is free and open to ALL Cy-Ridge Band and/or Color Guard parents.
Volunteer events provide wonderful opportunities for friends, fellowship and fun!!
The Cypress Ridge Band Booster Club (CRBBC) makes everything that we, the band program, do possible!!
You may reach the Cypress Ridge Band Booster Club (CRBBC) by email at cyridgeband@gmail.com and online at our Google group: CRBBC (membership required)
Please follow us on social media!
President | Valerie Rodriguez (e-mail)
Co-Treasurer | Patrick Walker
Secretary | Melanie Walker (email)
Christine Nguyễn Fundraising Chair
Volunteer Coordinators | Mel Haynie
Uniform Captain | Karina Colindres
Food Parent | OPEN -
Color Guard Parliamentarian | OPEN
Pit Crew:
Our percussion section is looking for dads to help the Pit Crew move the heavy instruments. The Pit Crew needs help at each performance. If you're interested in volunteering,
please contact Carlos & Yajaira Rivero!